Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Spiked-UP Spanish Italian Crusted Chicon Parmesan Pilaf...

Gooday and most of all may the universe bring your moments of stressfulness to a sudden halt.  This mixed fiesta is a mood changer and should offer much peace, serenity or relaxation to the taste buds... Oooh, I don't think soooo, she is on fire with an Asian Red Gari Chilli Paste, Red Pepper Flakes, Red Cayenne Powder and Red Louisiana Hot Sauce. Let the endorphins say #YesYes! Also, I happily invited over a dashing Italian Parmesan Crusted Breast and Texas, the Bacon Garlic Cheese Toast made whoopie with my rice.  Geeeez is all I got left, so take delight, relish or just breathe...Wake up to some much-needed, hot juicy love.

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