Sunday, January 15, 2017

Jalapeno Double-Bagged Chilli Beefy Boys...

What the heezee is taking place here, you ask?  Well take a closer zoom and see how easy this is to make.  Blake, one of the kids I am blessed to reach out 2 by means of honest mentorship, ate 2 sets...whatttt!  The idea of these double dutch boys derived from a Wienerschnitzel craving.  And, for those that aren't cognizant of what a schnitzel is, google on the information highway.  However, my version is going to jail for murdering palate and holding taste buds hostage.  Just toss all dry/wet items in a Gotham pan only, JK, any one will do, lol.  Seriously, marry mesh with heat, grill all Beefy boys then force them into their Potato-Bun sleeping bag.  I would suggest fresh Cilantro, Lemon and a few squeezes of Jalapeno Juice. That's all folks, let the kids enjoy.  O'ooo any desert will work for side kicking.

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