Friday, January 6, 2017

Maple Syrup Bacon+Mr. Samuel Baths', "Toaster Crumpets" Spread With Honey Spiced Grape Jammy...

Good morning, I'm so glad that everyone has survived another fast paced world of stressful spirits and physical demons.  I must say, we are all beyond blessed, especially on this ravishing, yet wonderful planet.  The sounds of rumbling thunder slapped my brain awake in a panic frenzy this AM! Noooo, seriously I was pissed no early morning courtesy, lol.  Whereas some colorful words crossed my earlier start of this day, but a quick boomerang of positives changed my outlook and increased my smile scale.  #YesYes...Some Maple Syrup Baconnnn..., a scrumptious healing swine helped wear down the anxiety!!!!  And...Cayenne Garlic Sausage...And...Peppered Brown Sugared Ham...And...ya'll get the jest🙋. Then laid aside my Cinamon Barcadi Rum HotCocoCoffee, I welcomed aboard Mr. Samuel Baths', "Toaster Crumpets!" Go ahead say it with me...#AMEN$.  "Make It A Great One, Eat"...C.G.M

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